Happily’s Freelancer Path to Equity: A Game-Changer for Freelancers Everywhere

Picture this — A top-tier launch event goes off without a hitch, captivating thousands of new customers and millions of dollars, taking an unknown brand and turning it into a household name.

Every detail of this transformative event has been perfectly executed by a team of dedicated professionals, the communication strategy, branding, technical logistics, and the playbooks. But when the dust settles, and the applause fades, the small handful of freelancers who brought their unique expertise, relationships and resources to bring the event to life just simply pack up, move on to the next gig, and never see a piece of the long-term success they helped build. You most likely did not need to close your eyes or imagine very hard, that is the current system we live in.

At Happily, we’ve seen this play out too many times across industries, talented freelancers pouring their heart into projects but left out of the bigger picture. That’s when we realized: What if, instead of being an afterthought, these freelancers were not only integral to our events but also to the future of our company? What if they didn’t just work for us, but with us, sharing in the company’s growth?

Enter the Freelancer Path to Equity, a revolutionary new program that offers actual equity in Happily to the freelancers who help power our success. This isn’t about bonuses or end-of-year appreciation gifts. It’s about real ownership. Freelancers will now have a stake in the company they’re helping to build.

In an era where discussions about the future of work and corporate responsibility are gaining momentum, we’re taking action that goes beyond lip service. The Freelancer Path to Equity isn’t just a program; it’s a movement to rewrite the rules for freelance work, giving professionals the financial recognition they deserve. Let's dig into the program, why we built it, and how it’s going to reshape the freelancer landscape. Get started as a freelancer or hiring a freelancer with Happily today!

Team Happily

Happily freelancers with our Founder, Sarah Shewey, in San Francisco. Join the team here — app.teamhappily.com/users/register

The Gig Economy: Growing, but Leaving Workers Behind

The gig economy has surged in the past decade, with over 52% of Gen Z, 44% of millennials, and over 25% of any generation engaging in freelance work in 2023, according to data from Upwork. While freelancing offers undeniable benefits like flexibility and independence, the reality is that many freelancers remain excluded from the long-term rewards associated with building successful companies. They contribute significantly to the companies they work with, but they rarely share in the financial growth those businesses experience over time.

At Happily, freelancers are the backbone of our work. They are not just extra hands, they are event specialists, creatives, and technologists who shape every aspect of our projects. They are thoughtful about which projects they give their expertise to, often prioritizing their values and direct impact they can make on their communities when selecting client work. Freelancing work is often some of the hardest tasks in a company - outsourcing occurs when the company is stretched for time and/or resources, especially when the stakes are high and projects are urgent. Despite their pivotal roles and mission-alignment, the majority of freelancers in the broader market are stuck in a system that offers limited stability and no stake in the future of the businesses they elevate.


The Equity Problem

As of 2024, fewer than 3% of freelancers receive any form of equity or profit-sharing. Compare that to traditional employees, where stock options, profit-sharing, and performance bonuses are commonplace. Freelancers, by and large, miss out on these key benefits. And yet, it’s freelancers who are doing the hard work of building today’s companies, why should they be left out?

That’s where Freelancer Path to Equity steps in to change the game.

Happily Specialists

Happily freelancers Miles and Molly at Happily Fest 2024. Hire our freelancers here — app.teamhappily.com/users/register

How Happily’s Freelancer Path to Equity Works


Co-Ownership, Not Just Co-Work

Unlike traditional freelance agreements, which often treat freelancers as temporary contributors, Happily’s Path to Equity recognizes freelancers as co-creators of our success.

The minute a freelancer begins working on a project that they secured through Happily, they’ll become eligible for stock options. Once they have completed 2,000 billable hours, they’ll be instantly awarded with options that are fully vested. All of the hours will be reported by freelancers, verified by their clients, and instantly calculated in the Happily platform.

You can read more of our FAQs on this at our site.


Creating a Future of Shared Success

What makes this program unique is that it doesn’t rely on arbitrary performance bonuses or subjective evaluations. It’s structured to ensure that freelancers are rewarded proportionally to the value they bring to Happily. By aligning their success with ours, we're creating a community of freelancers who are as invested in the future of the company as we are.

In other words, Happily’s success is now their success. Hire our Happily freelancers today!

Happily Events Female Founders Fund CEO Summit 2024 48

Happily freelancers at the 2024 Female Founders Fund CEO Summit, hosted at the New York Stock Exchange.

The Business Case for Companies: Why You Should Work with Socially Responsible Partners


Corporate Responsibility: More Than a Buzzword

According to research from Harvard Business School, companies that integrate corporate social responsibility into their core business strategy see a 60% improvement in employee satisfaction and long-term business resilience.

But corporate responsibility shouldn’t stop at full-time employees. By offering equity to freelancers, Happily is redefining what it means to be a socially responsible company. Companies looking to partner with Happily aren’t just supporting their own event needs—they’re aligning with a business that puts worker equity and fairness at the heart of its model. In an age where social impact is increasingly tied to business success, partnering with companies that prioritize equity is good for your bottom line, and the world.


Attracting Top Talent: Freelancers Want More Than Just Paychecks

A recent survey by Upwork found that 72% of freelancers would choose a project with long-term equity potential over one offering higher pay but no equity. By offering freelancers a stake in the company, Happily not only attracts top-tier talent but retains them. Freelancers know they’re not just working for a one-off gig, they’re investing their time into a company that’s investing in them.


The Future of Work is Inclusive

Freelancers have long been on the outside looking in, treated as independent contractors with no real connection to the company’s success. By offering equity, we’re flipping the script. We believe the future of work will be defined by inclusion, where freelancers' contributions are valued as much as full-time employees.

As a company looking to support social good, partnering with Happily sends a message: You care about equity, fairness, and corporate responsibility. Your events aren’t just well-executed, they’re part of a movement to create a better, more inclusive future for work.

Hire our Happily freelancers today!


The Happily Crew that produced APUS' 2024 Commencement and #BEGREAT Gala

Team Happily at APUS' 2024 Commencement and #BEGREAT Gala. Join the team here — app.teamhappily.com/users/register


What This Means for Freelancers: The Power of Real Ownership


Building Wealth, Not Just Income

One of the biggest challenges freelancers face is the lack of long-term financial security. While freelance gigs offer income, they rarely offer the chance to build wealth. Happily’s Freelancer Path to Equity changes that by giving freelancers access to equity, a powerful tool for building financial stability.

For many, owning shares in a growing company is a game-changer. It’s a chance to participate in the company’s growth, even after the project ends. As Happily continues to expand, the value of that equity grows, offering freelancers a chance to build wealth rather than just income.


Stability in an Unstable Industry

Freelancers know all too well the volatility that comes with gig work. The Freelancer Path to Equity helps create a buffer against that uncertainty. As equity accumulates, freelancers gain a more secure foothold in the company’s future, offering them long-term financial opportunities that extend beyond any single project.


A Shared Vision for Success

Most importantly, this program represents a shift in how freelancers see their work. No longer are they just contractors working gig to gig. With Happily, they’re partners in our success story. When the company thrives, so do they, and that’s a vision we believe is worth sharing.

Why It Matters: A New Era of Freelance Work

At a time when corporate responsibility, equity for workers, and social impact are at the forefront of the business world, Happily’s Freelancer Path to Equity is more than just a program,it’s a movement. It’s a call to rethink the traditional structures that have long excluded freelancers from the wealth they help generate. Whether you’re a freelancer looking for long-term stability, or a company wanting to align with socially responsible businesses, this is your opportunity to be part of something bigger.


Share the Movement

Help us spread the word about Freelancer Path to Equity. Let’s reshape the future of work, together.